
Read on to find out how the Belgian Professional Association for Dental Hygienists can help students like you.

What are the benefits of becoming a member?

There are also plenty of benefits for students studying for the Bachelor in Dental Hygiene. For example, the BBM will send you an online newsletter every month. This will keep you up-to-date with all BBM activities, the latest policy developments, interesting facts, etc. You will also receive our bi-annual magazine. With student membership you also get discounted rates at conferences, lectures, etc.

What value does the BBM bring to dental hygiene students?

Even during your degree, the topic of additional training will come up, and the BBM is happy to help make this accessible to students. The BBM has close contacts at the training institutions and we also foster connections between you and your potential workplace after graduation, by, among other things, sharing vacancies.

Welke globale meerwaarde heeft de Belgische Beroepsvereniging voor student Bachelor in de Mondzorg?

Even during your degree, the topic of additional training will come up, and the BBM is happy to help make this accessible to students. The BBM has close contacts at the training institutions and we also foster connections between you and your potential workplace after graduation, by, among other things, sharing vacancies.

Want to become a BBM member?

Just get in touch and we’ll send you more info.

How much does BBM membership cost?

25 euros per academic year for a Bachelor in Dental Hygiene student. .

Can I cancel my membership whenever I like?

Uw lidmaatschap, en bijhorend betaald lidgeld, is gedurende een jaar geldig. Indien u voor het einde van dat jaar uw lidmaatschap stopzet, zal dit niet in mindering worden gebracht. Na deze periode kan je je lidmaatschap vrijblijvend herzien.

Will I be kept up-to-date by the BBM?

As a student member, you will always have the most up-to-date information. You can also follow us on social media for the latest news.

Want to become a BBM member?

Just get in touch and we’ll send you more info.